Thursday, 20 October 2016


Hai & Assalamualaikum..

I'm back! ( excited sebenarnya ). Ok sorry sebab lama tak update blog. well, actually i ada beberapa produk untuk di review but mood untuk menulis tak ada plus banyak benda yang jadi so hmm yeah. but it's okay i akan update one by one k.

We start our review today with this baby. Aloe Vera Gel from FOE. Well, i you really know me, i tak pernah pakai any moisturizer other than aloe vera gel from The Face Shop. i sangat-sangat picky bab-bab moisturizer. i hate cream texture. a big NO NO for me. And i tak pernah sangka i will fall in love with this brand.

Aloe Vera gel ni super duper natural. as you can see, NO COLOR and NO FRAGRANCE ADDED,

Actually, bila pertama kali pakai, the texture a bit thick. And i dah risau kalau the gel tak fully absorb ke dalam kulit. But it;s okay i try pakai ke muka and tap tap.

Tadaaaa! it absorb perfectly! My skin doesn't feel sticky at all.

BUT!!!! Bare in mind, gel ni kalau kena kat mata, mata akan jadi sangat sangat sangat pedih! SERIOUSLY! idk why but bila dah kena mata, i/m sorry mungkin hari-hari anda akan terasa suram. sebab sangat-sangat buat mata you pedih sampai tak dapat nak buka. i dah beberapa kali terkena. it hurt.

Actually, idk nak describe macamana lagi but if you have sensitif/dry/very dry skin, This gonna be your holy grail products. i promise you, Insyaallah. You dont have to worry. and of course also suitable for other skin types.

For pictures below, i dah buat test. 1st picture after i sapukan ke tangan dan tap tap beberapa kali. And 2nd picture dia dah 100% meresap ke dalam kulit. 34sec? Hmm ya boleh laaaa...

And... adik i guna ni untuk rambut. He really like it.

Overall, i love this aloe vera gel. But i still prefer aloe vera gel from the face shop. i still use this gel now ( dah sebulan lebih ) dan apa yang lebih menggembirakan? My scars especially chin area, dah pudar! i swear!

Rating : 3.5/5

1 comment:

  1. May i ask ? Kan ka org yg berjerawat pakai moisturiser gel Aloe Vera ni ? Tak bagi effect ke sama muka ?


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